Get a Quote

We strive for excellence in all areas of our operation.

Contact us before 3pm and you'll probably hear back the same day!

Need a Quote?

** Email all artwork files directly to

(Existing customers, please contact your personal sales rep.)


Print Details

(eg. length, width, sewing allowance, etc)
(100 pcs minimum)
Max. file size: 300 MB.
(If you have it. Seeing your vision helps us give you the most accurate price)
Max. file size: 300 MB.
(If applicable, including images of what you are trying to match, or other products you like. The more info you can provide, the better)


Mailing Address

195 Konrad Crescent
Markham, ON, Canada
L3R 8T9

(Please call or email to schedule a time to visit our office. Thank you.)


Monday - Friday: 9 am - 4 pm


416.497.1500 (Toronto)
1.866.868.2850 (U.S. only)

Find out what 50 Years of Experience can do for you.